Dental Implant Services in Portsmouth
Usually, when you lose a tooth, it is best for your oral health to have it replaced. Missing teeth can affect your “bite” as well as your ability to speak and chew. Their loss can increase the burden on your remaining teeth and can cause muscle pain in your jaws and headaches. And of course, losing a tooth can affect your appearance.
The good news is that, most of the time, replacing a missing tooth is not an emergency. You have time to consider what replacement option is best for you and to make an informed decision. The following information reviews your general treatment options.
If you are missing one or more teeth and choose to have it or them replaced, several treatment options are available.
- A “flipper” is a removable plastic tooth that is inexpensive but fragile and temporary.
- A cast partial denture also is removable but is precision cast in metal for longer service life. Wire clips help hold it in place.
- A fixed bridge is cemented into place using crowns or “caps” on the teeth adjacent to the open space for support. Crown placement usually requires removing or reducing the outer layer of the tooth. In some cases, a “Maryland” bridge, a fixed bridge that does not need crowns, is glued onto the back of the teeth adjacent to the space so that minimal tooth structure is removed.
- Full dentures or “plates” are the traditional solution for people who have lost all their teeth in one or both jaws. The success of a full denture depends upon the individual’s jaw size and shape, his or her oral habits, and his or her adaptability. Some people adapt well to full dentures, while others are not able to adapt. Dental implants can be used to provide support for the replacement of one tooth or all of an individual’s teeth. After years of research and clinical trials, we can now provide this option in addition to the traditional treatments just described. Implant-supported teeth can be cemented, screw-retained, or removable and can be made attractive, stable, and comfortable for almost any patient.
Fixed Bridge
Dental Implant
If you are considering dental implants, your mouth will be examined thoroughly, and your dental and medical history will be reviewed to ensure that dental implants are appropriate for you. A dental, panoramic, or CT Scan of your jaws will be taken to evaluate your jawbone and to determine if it will accommodate implants.
Dental implants come in various shapes and sizes and have different types of surfaces. The actual implant selection will depend on a variety of factors related to your specific treatment needs and the most appropriate one(s) will be used.
Once an implant has been placed in the jaw, the bone around the implant will need to heal for two to six months, depending upon your jawbone’s hardness. When this initial phase of healing is completed, a support post called an abutment will be placed into the implant itself and then a new crown will be placed on top.
If all of your teeth are missing, a variety of treatment options are available to support the replacement teeth.
Usually, the office procedure to place a dental implant varies per patient and will be discussed during your consultation. The placement process consists of the following steps:
- Antibiotics will be given prior to the surgery. You may be offered sedation with nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) or intravenous medications. Then, a local anesthetic will be administered to numb the areas where the implant/s will be placed. It is our highest priority to make sure you are comfortable.
- After you are comfortable, a small incision is made into the gum tissue, revealing the bone into which the implant will be placed.
- Using special instruments, a socket is created carefully, avoiding damage to the bone.
- The titanium implant is then inserted into the socket.
- Finally, if necessary, sutures will be used.
Missing Tooth
New Socket
Implant Placed
Implant Restored
After the implant is placed, the area will need to heal for six weeks to six months. How long your mouth will need to heal will be determined by a variety of factors. Follow-up care by Dr. De Tolla or Dr. Courtney (one to four appointments) is usually needed to ensure that your mouth is healing well and to determine when you are ready for the restorative phase of your treatment.
The restorative dental work, which places the replacement teeth on the implants and is performed by your general dentist.
Dental Implants Presentation
To provide you with a better understanding of dental implants, we have provided the following multimedia presentation. Many common questions pertaining to dental implants are discussed.
Daniel H. De Tolla, DDS, MD, PA
Patient Testimonial
Never had any doubt but that I was in good hands. I was always at ease. All of Dr. De Tolla's assistants were welcoming, comforting and most importantly professional!
- James A