Implant Supported Overdenture

Illustration showing Implant Supported Overdenture for the bottom jawAn Implant Supported Overdenture is a contemporary restoration that has revolutionized the way surgeons and dentists think of replacing a full set of teeth. Standard dentures are unsecured prostheses with inherent limitations. Most often, dentures are painful, inconvenient and unstable. Such dentures can make chewing foods difficult, limiting the foods that you once enjoyed. Modern dentistry can help with implant supported dentures.

The Implant Supported Overdenture treatment concept replaces your missing teeth with a full dental bridge supported by dental implants. Fewer implants are needed and overall treatment time and cost is reduced. An Implant Supported Overdenture solution also ensures greater stability in the bone, reducing the need for bone graft surgery to increase bone volume. Implant-supported overdentures stay connected with bar and clip attachment methods or use a variety of abutment-based attachments (ball, magnets, and resilient stud attachments such as Locators). The most appropriate attachment system for your individual needs relates to a variety of factors that is determined early in the treatment. Typically, a temporary set of teeth can be placed on the same day of surgery. The temporary teeth allow you to lead a normal life immediately after surgery. After a short healing period, your dentist will place the final bridge. Your quality of life is improved, and you can start enjoying your favorite foods again with renewed confidence.

Implant Supported Overdentures offer you many advantages:

  • A cost-effective solution. When compared to some other implant-supported restoration methods, your new replacement teeth require fewer implants for each jaw. With fewer implants required, the cost is lowered.
  • Reduced need for bone grafting. The special angled placement of two of the implants ensures a secure and stable anchorage for the replaced arch, often making bone grafting unnecessary.
  • Faster treatment and healing time. Your replacement arch can be attached to your implants immediately after insertion.

Scientifically proven and documented. Implant Supported Overdentures have had good clinical outcomes from decade long studies with favorable results.

Screw-Retained Hybrid Denture

Illustration showing Implant Supported Overdenture for the top jaw

Another option involves placing five or more implants in your jaw and attaching a screw-retained hybrid denture. Your hybrid denture is held in place by screws that secure it to the support posts or bar. The appliance sits above the gum tissue which allows you to clean under the denture without removing it. This denture will replace all your missing upper or lower teeth and will not be removed except at maintenance visits.