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No More Wisdom Teeth Means More Ice Cream!


You’re fresh out of high school and wondering what’s next. Maybe it’s college, maybe it’s a summer internship, or maybe you still haven’t decided. Perhaps, what you do know is that there is a sharp pain in the back of your mouth. So, while you’re thinking about your future impact on the world, your wisdom teeth might just be impacted within your gums.   

If you’re like most teens, however, you don’t feel a thing. This does not mean nothing needs to be done. In fact, having your wisdom teeth removed before there’s a problem is the best way to go. And if the thought of surgery stresses you out, fear not. Wisdom teeth removal is a routine procedure experienced by most teenagers. You’re joining the ranks. Consider it a rite of passage.  

Do You Want Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Call us: 603-436-3608

10 million wisdom teeth are removed every year.  

The bottom line: it’s important to get your wisdom teeth out sooner rather than later. This is because it much easier to extract the tooth the tooth before its roots are fully formed. The longer you wait, the more established the tooth becomes in your gums. There is also the risk of gum disease or other infection if the tooth stays in your mouth longer than it should.   

When’s the best time to have your wisdom teeth removed?  

Summertime is the perfect opportunity to get rid of those pesky wisdom teeth, especially if you are vacationing from school or in between jobs. You’ll need to have some downtime after your surgery, so it’s best to clear your schedule, so you can really focus on relaxing, and ultimately, healing.   

What can I eat after wisdom teeth removal?  

Of course, the biggest (and maybe the most important) question you’re asking is, What can I eat? Or perhaps that was just me… but regardless, this is a great question. The key is to keep it simple and easy. In other words, even chewing is too much work after you’ve had your wisdom teeth extracted. Look for foods that are smooth and go down easily.  

Enjoy soft foods, such as:  

  • Soup  
  • Yogurt 
  • Scrambled Eggs 
  • Mashed Potatoes 
  • Applesauce 
  • Avocado 
  • Ice Cream 

 Why the emphasis on ice cream? 

July is National Ice Cream Month! Also, there should always be an emphasis on ice cream. Ice cream is not only easy to eat, but its cold temperature will help soothe the swelling in your mouth. Plus, after a wisdom tooth extraction, you deserve a scoop of ice cream! However, it’s best to have this tasty treat in moderation, as there is a lot of sugar in ice cream.   

If you’re looking to take a healthy approach to National Ice Cream Month, try making your own ice cream from frozen bananas! Here’s an easy recipe that you or your parents can use:   

  1. Get a large, ripe banana. 
  2. Peel it, chop it up, and stick in the freezer overnight or at least for 2 hours. The banana pieces should be frozen.  
  3. Put the frozen banana pieces into a food processor or ahigh powered  Use the pulse setting to break the pieces up.   
  4. Blend until there is a smooth creamy consistency.  
  5. Add some peanut butter or chocolate for flavor, or not! This is where you can get creative.  
  6. Transfer the mixture into an airtight container and freeze until solid.  

Use this summer to schedule that wisdom tooth extraction with Dr. De Tolla or Dr. Courtney. Schedule your consultation today: Seacoast I Phone Number 603-436-3608.

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